Subscription based lighting service and upgrades without interruption to monthly operating cash flow.

Lighting as a Service (LaaS) is a service model in which the property owner pays for light rather than the fixtures or equipment that delivers it. The owner buys new lighting on a subscription basis over a multi-year term rather than a significant one-time capital investment. It’s a great opportunity for Round Rock area property owners to continue investing in their properties without disrupting cash flow.

This allows the lighting upgrade to be accounted as an operating expense and paid for as a monthly fee that in turn is ideally less than the energy cost savings, generating instant positive cash flow.


LaaS addresses two major barriers to installing LED lighting in existing buildings: the initial cost of purchasing a new lighting system and fear that any technology installed today will be eclipsed by future tech. The first barrier is addressed by paying for new lighting as a monthly fee offset by energy savings. The second is addressed by either including upgrades in the contract or replacing the old system at the contract end date without being tied to it.

Short & long term benefits…

LaaS as an option can facilitate a lighting upgrade that might otherwise be delayed or be cost prohibitive. The contract may or may not include upgrades and maintenance. The owner may take ownership of the system at the end of the contract, or the owner can upgrade to new fixtures and technology (I.e. smart lighting) and roll into a new contract.

Email us for more information or if you have additional questions.

Simple Process to Get Started

Provide the address of the property you’d like to update.
Let us know if you’re looking for exterior, interior, or a complete lighting refresh.
Provide your contact information and we will provide you with a free set of proposal options for your property.